First and foremost, help is what people look for in case of any problem encountered. Press F1 for quick help in almost any program.
Quick Help
Pressing F1 in almost any program will bring up the Help Menu.
Start Menu shortcut
CTRL + ESC will open the Start Menu. It is the same as using Windows key (the key usually placed alongside Alt and Ctrl and having microsoft windows logo on it). Once the Start Menu is opened, you can use your Arrow Keys on the keyboard to navigate through the list
of installed programs. You can also use program name specific characters to quickly select programs in start menu. Press ENTER to execute the program.
Switching Between Tasks
ALT + TAB will bring up a Window with a list of icons representing
programs which are currently running on your computer. While holding
the ALT key, press and depress the TAB button to cycle between each
icon task.
Cycle To The Next Task
ALT + ESC will switch to next task running on your computer. Hold
down the ALT key, press and depress the ESC key to cycle to the next
Close or Quit a program
ALT+F4 will usually work on almost all the programs to close them.
Bypassing Recycle bin
Use SHIFT+DELETE to Delete item permanently. It’ll not be put in to recycle bin. Be careful with overuse of Shift + Del. You might end up deleting something that you may need later on.
Terminating Crashing or Non-responding Programs
CTRL + ALT + DELETE will bring up Task Manager and allow you to End a
Process (terminate a program) if it has crashed or has stopped
responding. Select the process which has stopped responding, and then
press "END PROCESS" to terminate it.
Cycling Buttons On A Window
Pressing TAB while a window is open on your Desktop will cycle the
cursor to the next button position in the window. The TAB key also
works when cycling between text fields when filling out forms on the
Copy Text Quick to Clipboard
After highlighting text with your mouse, press CTRL + INSERT to copy
it to your clipboard. You may use CTRL + C also.
Paste Text Quickly from Clipboard
Pressing SHIFT + INSERT will paste any text that is in your clipboard.
Your cursor must also be placed in an area that will accept keyboard
input for this to work. You may use CTRL + V as its substitute.
Highlight Text To The Top Of The Page
Click on a line of text anywhere in a document, and press CTRL + SHIFT
+ HOME to select all text above this area to the top of the page.
Highlight Text To The Bottom Of The Page
Click on a line of text anywhere in a document, and press CTRL + SHIFT
+ END to select all text below this area to the bottom of the page.
Fast Locking computer
Use Windows Logo+L to Lock the computer. For the users who have user switching enabled, it’ll instantly take them to the windows logon screen keeping the existing user logged in.
Open Task manager
CTRL+SHIFT+ESC Opens Windows Task Manager. It is the same as doing CTRL + ALT + Delete.
Renaming Files
use F2 key to rename a file. This key is also used in many programs to modify entries.
Finding Files or Text
F3 is mainly used to find files either on Explorer or inside programs. If used in a program, it will help in finding text, a word, character etc.
View the properties of a Selected object
ALT+ENTER: to Open the properties for the selected object.
Open Run dialog box quickly
Use Windows key + R to open it. You’ll be using it quite frequently if you follow our guides.
Open My Computer quickly
Use Windows Key + E to open My computer in explorer with Folders view on.
Show Desktop Quickly
Windows key (Winkey) + D to show desktop. It’ll minimize all the active windows instantly. Use again to switch back to the previous view.
Add your own most used microsoft keyboard shortcuts. Let's be a little more efficient from now on!
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